Monday, December 7, 2009

Www.designs For Why Does The Slideshow In My Website Show On Some Browsers, But Not Others?

Why does the slideshow in my website show on some browsers, but not others? - www.designs for

I built the site with iWeb, and JPG images.
Then download the public folder for
The foil on the pages of the site is not for some people seem to believe my site. At other presents. Why is this so? Please read the link below for proof.
Slideshow is the portfolio page.

1 comment:

Doug V said...

Several different media-browser JavaScript commands.

If you find that most people with Internet Explorer 5 / 6, or Opera, you're having trouble viewing the presentation, is the reason your browser does not support certain JavaScript code to your presentation.

It is a practical solution for that besides JavaScript reconnection work with other browsers.

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