Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Cowboy Nail Designs Is There Such A Thing As A Air Nail Gun That Is Portable That You Can Use.....using Fencing Nails?

Is there such a thing as a air nail gun that is portable that you can use.....using fencing nails? - cowboy nail designs

I swear I was watching TV the other day I saw an ad for the cowboys "to operate a portable compressor on his shoulders and said it is the work of great fencing, and showed the development of barbed wire. I went to Lowes and Home Depot. and I've never heard of him. I researched online, but can not find everywhere. The research I have done to find what I believe myself to dream. My parents are aging and need to work like me yo .... .... and I say help I would be a dream, instead of a hammer and a nail in the vicinity ...... lol I appreciate any information anyone can give me.

Thank you,


cronos51... said...

well, something. Paslode Nailers using a butane cartridge and a battery fire, nails, and the regulator to 800 psi Co2 cobalt bring liquid CO2 to a safe, controlled pressure bar regulated to 120. Mines of CO2 you can get in the shops, most paintball guns (but still) and the controller on Lowes.com. You get 20 tanks of Oz sports stores for about $ 40 for about $ 5.50 to fill.

udo1fire said...

Koblat is a portable air system that uses this system in a small CO2 cylinder.
Lowes carries it.
Hope this helps
Item # Item #: 166,441 Model: J-6901-100

schism said...

Yes, my friend. We need to develop Paslode nailer. Home Depot, the leading brand. Cans of compressed air and are a little expensive. Good luck.

Gyrine77... said...

Yes, there are portable nail gun cartridges that the nail fire with small arms, less lead blocks instead of air pressure.

BlackSan... said...

can not buy a small compressed air and a long air hose to the job, depending on how much ur fighting is done.

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