What's a good, cheap MP3 player? - scandisk alternative
I'm kind of looking for an alternative to the iPod. I see ScanDisk Sansa Express, it seems better than the shuffle, but I'm not sure whether the songs in iTunes can be so easily be. Any tips?
RCA is sufficient, most of them can also be bought at Walmart. You have several phones for SanDisk memory cards for a concert or more and start at $ 30.00.
I recommended to several friends and say of these, I still have friends, "Well, everyone was really happy.
It is better that you see as your price range than some in the department of expandable memory.
receive a plaque ... You must purchase at Best Buy and use Rhapsody ... It is very easy to use. I have a 2 GB and costs $ 75. IPod compared to $ 125 for 2 GB
Sansa is also very good creative is good. Nothing works with iTunes, but iPod.
who are poor
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